The Joy that is Costco


We had to make our Costco run this past weekend and with the weather being all rainy and crappy, it seemed that half of Northern Virginia also decided to go to the land of bulk items.

I don’t know about you guys but I LOVE Costco.  I don’t know what the appeal is.  There isn’t exactly great merchandizing or displays.  The items are almost always the same, save the seasonal items.  Customer service is virtually non-existant till you get to the check-out line.  So what is it that I love so much about Costco?

Probably because it is so darn simple.  Stuff is oragnized well throughout the store and it hardly ever changes.  You know what you’re getting when you go there.  And darn it, its a great deal!!  I’m a sucker for those things that end up in my shopping cart that I didn’t anticipate buying.  Like that pack of socks and a pair of work out pants that I snuck in in the last minute.  It took a lot of restraint not to buy that pastel, soft and fuzzy disney blanket for KK, that she wouldn’t be old enough to use for at least another year.

Its so much more than just food.  In fact, I don’t think I get that excited over the food.  I don’t indulge in the samples that often.  Although during our last trip there, they were baking brownies and we ended up with a giant box of brownie mix.  We made the most decadent and moist brownies ever with it and now its all gone….I am kicking myself for forgetting to get another box this time.

Whether is a ginormous bag of paper towels or scented candles….I never know what I will end up with…or what the end total will be.  Its like a game we play, I like to see what everyone’s checkout total is.   I know, I know…I need to find a new hobby and not descend further into suburban mom land.  I promise not to buy any mom jeans in the near future!

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